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Heliana Teixeira
Ana Hilário

Beatriz Santos
Teresa Coelho
| Project PI; Assistant Researcher CESAM & DBIO
| Assistant Researcher CESAM & DBIO

| Applied Ecology Master Student
 Applied Ecology Master Student

Heliana is the CREPIDULA project PI. She is a marine benthic ecologist with expertise in environmental assessments and in evaluating the impacts of anthropogenic activities and climate change on biodiversity and ecosystem services.

webpage | cienciavitae |  

Ana is a deep-sea ecologist with expertise on reproductive ecology and population connectivity and its implications for biogeography and conservation. She currently coordinates the Project REDEEM.

webpage | cienciavitae | 

Beatriz is a student in the Applied Ecology Master at the Department of Biology of the University of Aveiro, and is currently developing her Thesis within the CREPIDULA project.

Teresa is a student in the Applied Ecology Master at the Department of Biology of the University of Aveiro, and is currently developing her Thesis within the CREPIDULA project.

former members

Nuno Azevedo | Applied Marine Biology Master Student

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MSc | Beatriz has been participating in the project field campaigns and laboratory work, where she is studying the vertical distribution of this invasive gastropod along the intertidal habitats of Ria, trying to understand how local niche occupancy might explain the limited spread in this system. To achieve that she is characterizing the habitat and looking at allometric relationships across the environmental gradients. She has been awarded a scholarship "Verão com Ciência 2022" da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) and she will be developing her MSc Thesis dissertation  within this project.

MSc | Teresa has recently joined the team. She has been awarded a scholarship "Verão com Ciência 2022" da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) and she will be developing her MSc Thesis dissertation within this project.

MSc | Nuno (Applied Marine Biology Master Student) participated in the project field campaigns and laboratory work, where he received training in population dynamics and histological procedures to study the reproductive cycle of this invasive alien gastropod. 

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Heliana Teixeira |

Ana Hilário |

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